My sister, Donna (a.k.a Sissy-Poo), has decided keep with our mom's tradition of home sewing. Please visit her at her new blog, Dishmey Style Boutique, as she begins her sewing journey.
Ps. Thank you for all your words of encouragement!! I'm lightening my load right now. I'll be back on a regular basis soon!! Smooches!
Podcast time
3 days ago
I saw the name and I wondered if you two were related... how cool! So, will you two ladies ever collaborate on something?
I've enjoyed your sister's blog and also wondered if you were related. You ladies share a powerful work ethic!Busy, busy.
I have visited your her blog and love it!!
Yay! Now if I could just get my sister on board!
I noticed and I loved it! Wish I had a sister to talk in to sewing.
Awww, thanks for the support sissy. I'm very proud of you too.
Now that explains it all... Your sister posted about the 3 panel mirror and the pin cushions. Mind you I thought they were your posts.
Ha! I was wondering if there was a connection! How cool--two blogging sisters. :-)
hey I just followed the link to your sisters blog and it looks like its been hacked...its an adult site.. oops and I acced it at work...darn!!
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